Tag Archives: Nassim Nicholas taleb

Social Constructionism & the Liberal Agenda

social construction of reality

I have been delaying writing this blog because the Left will be quick to realize their game is being called and they will adapt, the Right on the other hand will be slow realizing that I am correct and then they won’t give me any credit when they eventually do.

I recognized this  new ploy a year ago. (Social Construction of Reality) They only started using it in response to my many, unexpected, victories.  Liberals will change tactics and not communicate what their new strategy is.  If they can change the way people communicate, they can change the way they think and act.  They can change the way people relate to one another.  

The Queen Bee Intelligentsia sends out the worker bees and the emasculated drones from their hive mind in order to perform a kind of political theater.  Because hive thinkers are so numerous we can’t help but become aware of what they are doing.  The strategists conceal their identity and their intention from us.   They are using Ritual Magic to hypnotize us into thinking what they are doing is spontaneous, and cool, and normal.  

When people participate with the Authority of the concealed thought leaders, they reify the idea and the “authority” of the concealed thought leaders.  They recreate the pattern and the drama for others to see, like a fractal spinning out of control.  

I know who is doing it and what their intention is because I am a Christian Wizard ( no KKK ).  If you want to know whether a behavior is good or bad imagine that it repeats infinitely.  What is the final result?  

This attack on the idea of 2 genders is an assault on reason and society.  It is being coordinated by the LGBTQ caste system and funded by George Soros.  They are being helped by the CIA and Obama’s Deep State, but it is even bigger and more insidious than you might fathom.  The desired outcome is destruction of the family unit, Moral and Philosophical Anarchy, and the destruction of Society.  Language will become useless because a man can be a woman, up can be down, black can be white, and rain can fall up.  Nothing can be agreed upon but everything is equal.  Evil is equal to Good.  Somebody referred to you with the wrong pronouns therefore they physically attacked you, fight for your life.

It is one thing if the opposite landers want to live in their own world with their heads comfortably nestled betwixt their own buttocks, but they are trying to force us to see through their eyes.  Like Oedipus I would rather pluck both of my eyeballs out of my skull and wander the rest of my years, senseless.  I don’t want to live in a world where nothing makes sense.  I don’t want to live in a world that is against Reason.  That world is Anarchy and every anarchist is a closeted Tyrant.

What will eventually happen is that people will grow weary as they control of the Thought Leaders becomes more oppressive.  People who recreated the pattern will realize that the yolk isn’t light, it grows heavier every day.  It isn’t about you, it was never about you.  You share a mutual hatred with your hidden thought leaders.  You thought that destroying your enemy meant your victory.  No, it means your demise.  It means the forfeiture of your freedom.  If you would deny freedom for others, you will be manipulated to the point where you have no freedom for yourself.  Congratulations, fool, you are a Useful Idiot.     


The Reasoning behind White Genocide


(Continuation of this Blog)

*I am not going to debate with anybody as to whether White Genocide is real.  If you want to know my thoughts on the subject you can clink on the link above & read my original blog.

What is the Reasoning behind White Genocide?  First of all you have to realize that there is a group of smug elitists that think we are too stupid to make decisions for ourselves. Intelligence & Reason are not Natural States they are Altered States because they are attained through conditioning and culturing.  Violence & stupidity are Natural States and they are far more common in the world.  If the Civilized World were to exert an influence on the Uncivilized world to become more evolved that would smack of slavery.  No matter how hard some people tried they would only be able to reach a very low level of attainment under a Meritocracy of Results.

So if we can’t hold everybody to the same standard and exert an influence on people to evolve without the obvious recriminations that have become standard and evidenced in recent history, what is the solution? Before we answer that question we have to examine another aspect of their reasoning.

From their perspective, it is the Civilized World that is responsible for all of the evils of the world, not the uncivilized world.  Because they are part of the Cult of Scientism they are trying to reify Global Warming.  They have fabricated and manipulated the data in order to create a reasoning for doing the evil they want to do. They want to reduce the Population of the Earth but stupid people are much easier to control than smart people.  In spite of their proclivity toward violence they are still easier to control. If they were to kill off the Less Evolved people of the world this would create a backlash from stupid Western Women.


Georgia Guidestones


So from their perspective, they rationalize that since the Civilized World (White People) is responsible for the creation of Technology they are also responsible for Pollution, the Destruction of the Planet, and Global Warming.  They would rather have us living like dumb animals because then our influence on our surroundings would be decreased.  Also Unevolved Civilizations regulate their populations with brutality and even genocide.  In the minds of these Arrogant Liberal Retards they presuppose their own Authority to Lead and they have a double standard in their own favor.  Everything they do is good because they are doing it.  They want Capitalism for themselves and Communism for everybody else. 

Christianity stands in their way as do other Real Religions, Islam not included. When a man has God inside he has his Authority intact and their are certain immoral things that he will refuse to do.  They need to extract God/Authority from man so that they can demoralize him, but first they have to kill off the Christians, Hindus, and Jews.  Islam is the only religion that teaches killing of other religions from birth.  Because Islam is the fastest growing population of the Stupidest & most Violent people on earth a point would obviously be reached where the Civilized World would either Destroy Islam or be destroyed by it. While Islam would have no conscious about destroying the rest of the world and even the world itself if the Civilized World destroyed Islam we would never hear the end of it because of Liberal Retards and Stupid, Self-Loathing, Western Women.





The CNN Audience was “Loaded”.


Subtle Propaganda & Manipulation

The first thing I noticed as I was listening to the debate was the bias of the cacophony of noise coming from the audience.  The audience was applauding strategically.  What this means is that when a person speaks the audience would applaud with exaggerated, artificial, enthusiasm.  This communicates emotional data both positive and negative to the viewer about the candidates in an effort to influence their opinion.  If the audience had been allowed in at random there would have been many people applauding for Trump but the audience only communicated exaggerated negative emotional data in response to Trump at one time booing him for no particular reason without even listening to what he had said.  At other times there were exaggeratedly positive, prolonged  reactions to Carly Fiorina and Marco Rubio.  It was immediately obvious to me that CNN had loaded the audience to influence viewer opinion.  This is a psychopathic strategy I refer to as “jingling the keys”.

I am going to deconstruct for you what I heard tonight in the debate, I am going to point out the cognitive biases and covert judgments of the Liberal Feminist perspective.  I will prove Politically Correct speaking is not only a threat to this nation PC thought is a danger to our survival because of the way the PC mind tacitly judges and presupposes without being aware of it’s processes and ignoring its results.  I will start this blog with an example.  Geraldo Rivera manufactured mock concern for his daughter’s safety when he zipped over to France to faun over his daughter after the ISIS attack.  This was an emotional appeal to his feminine audience and his way of communicating to his demographic that he is a “Good man”.  After returning to the United States and after the attack in San Bernardino Trump called for a temporary ban on Muslim immigration, to which Geraldo Rivera responded that he was appealing to the fear of Americans and continued characterizing citizens as Fearful.  Was he a coward when he ran to Paris out of concern for his privileged daughter?  After all a person is more likely to be struck by lightning than to be the victim of a terrorist attack.  Is Saudi Arabia, Iran, & the UAE afraid because of not taking a single Syrian immigrant?  This is why Liberalism is a Mental Disease.  This is the fickle, arbitrary, self-referentially inconsistent nature of the Feminine/Liberal Psychosis, they presuppose the surplus created by the Male Minds (the people protecting us from harm)  while ignoring the warnings coming from those people and presupposing that they will be successful as they make it increasingly harder for them to do their job.  Liberal processes are not only stupid they are self defeating and dangerous.

Wolfe Blitzer incorrectly categorized Trump’s strategy to temporarily ban Muslims from entering the country as isolationist.  That term comes from World War II when some people thought that we shouldn’t get involved in the conflict over seas.  That isn’t Trump’s argument or position at all.  He is saying that we shouldn’t allow our country to be invaded by terrorists that have told us exactly how they are going to come into our country, what they are going to do, and have already succeeded in doing so.  Jebediah “Low Energy” Bush opportunistically attacked Trump by arguing, somewhat stupidly, “How are Muslims going to fight ISIS when they are banned from entering the United States?”  Hello???  Why would they need to fight ISIS on American soil unless we let them into the country?  What is the correlation between Muslims being allowed into our country and then being able to fight ISIS in the Middle East?  Frankly, I despise Bush and I don’t want another one in office especially when his strings are being pulled by the arrogant, beady-eyed little Mole Karl Rove.

Killing their Families

I have said before that I don’t think Trump is a great speaker but he is a great thinker.  Muslims have used their wives and children as shields and soldiers for years, the Geneva convention didn’t conceive of that possibility because up to that point in time there had been no world war against Islam and Civilization.  When Trump says that we have to go after their families what he is saying is that family members who have guilty knowledge of the crimes their family members are plotting are complicit in the act of terrorism.  They don’t deserve to be protected from blame after the fact like what CAIR is currently doing for the Muzzrat family in San Bernardino.  And we shouldn’t not go after terrorists who are willing not only to jeopardize but sacrifice the lives of their wives and children and then act like hapless victims after the fact.  Muslim think tanks are intentionally manipulating the Liberal Fem-tard bias of Arrogant and Ignorant Elitists in this country to the detriment of America and the Civilized World.  Liberal insanity is more concerned about the rights of terrorists who despise us and whose children will grow up to kill us than they are concerned about increasing the quality of life of people in this country legally.  Loving those that hate you, and hating those that love is a form of hating yourself, yet another reason why Liberalism is an unsustainable psychosis.

Carly Fiorina patted herself on the vagina while she slapped everybody else in the face with her appeal to the Misandrist FemiNazis: “If you want something talked about ask a man to do it, if you want something done ask a woman to do it.”  Hey, Carly, can you make me a sammich?  She snarkily goes on with her pointy facial feature and stabby eyeballs to talk about ACCOUNTABILITY!!!  I’m curious, Carly, didn’t you have Non-Accountability woven into your Golden Parachute when you left Hewlett-Packard?  Were you “Accountable” to the thousands of employees that you gave the axe to?  or were you accountable to the share holders and the people who wanted to make a profit but didn’t have any real ideas but sacrificing the people on your own side?

Later in the debate after constantly interrupting conversations with a mosquito like nagging she snipes at Trump, “That is what Obama said.” drawing a false equivocation between Trump and Obama and conflating what Obama said with what Obama did.  Obama is a pathological liar (as is Carly Fiorina) whom the majority of Americans agree has failed to do what he has said he would do.   I am going to go on the record and say, Fiorina is one of the Worst possible options for president, forget the opinion that she might be more likely to win against Hillary, what kind of victory would that be?  Do you seriously think she wouldn’t do what she has always done?  She will make secret deals that put money in her pockets and she will sacrifice the American people.  She is worse than a politician, she is a business person that doesn’t have any ideas that create value, she is a shark, she is a pirate on the side of the people she is supposed to be representing.  Liberals and feminists are so stupid they will tolerate evil and failure from a woman or a minority but they won’t stand by idly by while a Man who happens to have been born Caucasian succeeds and does Righteous Deeds.

Is the world safer with dictators?

Tacit presuppositions, something can be done about it, something should be done about it, WE are responsible for it.  From the Liberal perspective anything a liberal does is correct because a Liberal is doing it and anything a Conservative does is wrong.  Look at how they mercilessly mocked George W. Bush when he was in office, and observe how they react in horror when anybody criticizes Barack Hussein Obama.  Observe how Hillary and Obama scramble to conceal from the American eye, failure after failure based on stupidity and negligence, stacking lie upon lie, refusing to take responsibility, admit failure, or admit that they were wrong.

Now let’s examine the cognitive biases for assigning blame and praise.  We conservative Americans are responsible for dictatorial regimes when:

  1. They arise, spontaneously of their own accord and we do nothing to stop them.
  2. We try to overthrow a dictator and fail.
  3. We try to overthrow a dictator and succeed.
  4. We free a people, institute a democratic vote and they elect a dictator.

As you can see there is no way to succeed from the perspective of the Insane Bleeding Heart Liberal who has no answers, isn’t willing to be part of the solution, takes no responsibility for the outcome, wants to use everybody else’s resources to solve the problem, and presupposes their authority to judge everybody else.

Dictatorships exist because of the Moral Inferiority and Cowardice of the people who allow them to rule and don’t oppose their power.  If those people aren’t willing to suffer to thwart evil they have no right to benefit from the fruits of Good.  There is a tacit narcissism involved in believing that America is at the same time responsible for everything bad in the world and that we must fix all of the evils in the world especially when we neglect increasing the quality of life for our own people to that end.  We don’t have an easy choice between Good and Evil we have a choice between the Greater of two Goods or the Lesser of Two Evils and that choice should be made in such a way as it maximizes benefit to ourselves and our friends while minimizing the benefit to those who regardless of what they say they are doing are in all actuality our enemies.  And because the Liberals have Lost the Peace we have no choice but to Win the War.   The ugly truth that we have to acknowledge is that Islam will never change unless they alter their own scripture, and they must choose to do that.  What we can do is make sure that Shar’iah law is never going to be legal in this country and anybody that comes over here must know that it is against everything we stand for.  We must constantly be suspicious of Islam and Militantly Vigilant against the rise of Evil Fundamentalist Muslim Ideology and we have to root out those weeds that have already found their way into our Proud Nation.

No More Nation Building

Trump made an excellent point about the 4 trillion dollars we spent rebuilding Iraq.  Why the hell are we responsible for rebuilding Nations when they aren’t responsible for letting those Nations become evil war machines?  These countries need to know, if you threaten the safety of freedom in the world you will be decimated and you will accrue no benefit to yourselves.  If you invest in Evil then Evil will be your reward and you have no one to thank but yourself.

Secondly, Just War Theory (Jus ad bellum) is based on returning the playing field to a state of equality or normality.  This seals a permanent status quo between good and evil, they must always exist on the earth in equal proportion.  Evil will always strike first, ignore the rules, and seek the complete destruction of Good.  Participation can only be forced because of the existence of a certain amount of Good in the world that can force compliance and Evil will always be trying, in peace and in war, to upset that balance.  Evil is only self interested and offers no quarter to Good.  We are expected to fight with one hand behind our back and act as though our foe is not Evil Incarnate, when everything they do confirms that they are.

Therefore I suggest an amendment to Jus ad Bellum which only really works for Civilized Opponents anyway.  Because the modern world is based on money any financial loss caused by aggression or non-compliance with the authority of reason must be compensated.  Likewise, if a group of people refuses to back down they must lose property (land) and resources.  We should take the oil so that we can provide for our veterans who are being neglected.  Not only did we not take the oil we allowed it to fall into the hands of ISIS so that it could be used to cause more pain and suffering on planet earth.  While letting them use our resources and laws against us, we refuse to use their resources against them.  Similarly, Israel should expand it’s borders every time it is attacked.  This is the only way that a status quo, if that is what must be, can be maintained between good and evil.

Jebediah’s Weak Close

“I know what I don’t know.” Jebediah.  Let me explain to you the irony of that statement.  He is making an homage to the term used by Donald Rumsfeld, “Unknown, Unknown”  which is shortened to “Unk-Unk”.  This term was created by a think tank that included Nassim Nicholas Taleb and Malcolm Gladwell.  The Neologism was used to explain an intelligence failure, an unknown unknown is something that you don’t know that you don’t know.  It comes from Taleb’s philosophy on epistemic arrogance which is over valuating the things that you know and undervaluing the things that you don’t know which operates on the cognitive bias that everything you have experienced has prepared you for everything that you will experience.  It also suggests that history has prepared us for everything we will experience in the future which presupposes that nothing will happen to us in the future that we can’t know about through history.  The reason why Jebediah sounds so stupid is because while being epistemicly arrogant he is suggesting he is epistemic humility which he is suggesting Trump doesn’t possess!!!  It is literally impossible to know what you don’t know, Jebediah is suggesting that he doesn’t think he knows everything and that he will listen to his military advisers (which is what George W. Bush did) which means that he knows it because they know it.  WHICH WOULD BE GREAT IF BETWEEN THEM THEY KNEW EVERYTHING, WHICH IS IMPOSSIBLE!!! I can’t tell you how incensed this makes me that he would intentionally misuse a term to sound like he was winning an argument like this, I smell Karl Rove’s fat little creepy fingers all over this turd scented strategy.

It was obvious to me, if you watch Jebediah’s face during his final statements, he didn’t even believe himself.  He didn’t say, “If you elect me president, I will do this…”  He distanced himself from lying and responsibility by saying “My record suggests.”  and then he stops and reiterates himself using another modifier that refuses again to commit.  In stead of promising to do something he says look at my record what is it telling you?  Putting responsibility on you to extrapolate what he will do in the future from what he has done in the past for the purpose of getting into this position of Power.

Finally, Charles Krauthammer, you little douchebag.  Using semantic arguments on my boy Donald Trump.  You must have been a pretty crappy psychiatrist, which explains why you are such failed media pundit.  You claim you only know what he says, you argue the he says “take them out” and “shutting down the internet” when asked to offer your opinion on what he means and not wanting to say anything positive about him you expose your EMOTIONAL BIAS by saying you only know what he says.  When have politicians’ actions ever been guided by what they said?  What did it mean when George Bush said, “Read my lips, no new taxes.”?  or when potus promised that Obamacare wasn’t a tax?  There are a myriad potential meanings, Trump could shut off the access of certain countries to the internet, he could shut down certain accounts, he could shut down the deep web, he could shut down certain web sites, it is stupid to think that he would shut down the entire internet…








Male and Female Minds Revisited


I am going to revisit my theory on male and female brains to practice my explanation of it.  Science after all is the explanatory art.  




The superego (GermanÜber-Ich)[26] reflects the internalization of cultural rules, mainly taught by parents applying their guidance and influence.[8] Freud developed his concept of the super-ego from an earlier combination of the ego ideal and the “special psychical agency which performs the task of seeing that narcissistic satisfaction from the ego ideal is ensured … what we call our ‘conscience’.”[27] For him “the installation of the super-ego can be described as a successful instance of identification with the parental agency,” while as development proceeds “the super-ego also takes on the influence of those who have stepped into the place of parents — educators, teachers, people chosen as ideal models.”[28]

…also known as growing the fuck up. 

The existence of id consolidates the authority of Ego, in the absence of Id the ego will be sympathetic with it’s own desires and try to get super-ego to participate with it, which is the sole purpose of ego, and exactly the opposite of what Super ego wants, it directly antagonizes the will of super ego.  When I was studying male and female communication rituals my obscene abilities of pattern recognition were able to pick up on the patterns of the female brain and the way it is in relationship with the male brain.  This creates emergent properties in society and the world.  The 1 on 1 relationships create the norm, and people being aquisitively mimetic copy what they have seen.  This unconscious process, these unconscious relationships and patterns create a normative bias that creates disparate impact in favor of feminine judgments or ego.  Not only are the outcropping patterns bad they are dangerous and unsustainable.  


Female authority comes from usurping, blaming, guilting, shaming, and humiliating masculine authority.  Women do not see reason as their own will, they see it as a foreign invasive will, because they edit their consideration set to think sentimentally and emotionally not analytically or logically.  They don’t think about the ugly things that are going on in the world they think about the pretty things that would be pleasant if they were true.  The female mind ignores threats, and is naturally hostile to the masculine narrative which is to say they don’t listen to men with the same eagerness that they listen to other women and to their own emotions.  The female mind uses mercy and charity to expand her authority and to appear a moral superior to reason.  The male narrative is democratic, bold, offensive, truthful, easy to understand because it isn’t vague.  The female narrative tries to shut the male narrative up by presupposing a meritocracy of pleasantness where being pleasant is a virtue and you can’t speak your truth plainly and boldly.  The meritocracy of pleasantness thwarts the meritocracy of reason and prevents participation of the best with the best.  The female mind thinks it wins by getting offended even if it throws itself in the way to get offended for someone else, once offended the female mind presupposes it’s own moral authority to judge and punish.  


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In rhetoricparrhesia is a figure of speech described as: to speak candidly or to ask forgiveness for so speaking.[1] The term is borrowed from the Greek παρρησία (πᾶν “all” + ῥῆσις / ῥῆμα “utterance, speech”) meaning literally “to speak everything” and by extension “to speak freely,” “to speak boldly,” or “boldness.” It implies not only freedom of speech, but the obligation to speak the truth for the common good, even at personal risk.

An example of this is the quote “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat” by Winston Churchill.[2]


My term “Superficial Aesthetic Snap Decisions”  are the tacit judgments made by the uneducated female mind without understanding.  (http://terminclature.wordpress.com/2013/11/19/superficial-aesthetic-snap-decisions/) The uneducated mind is easily offended thinking  that everything in the brief, pleasant span of its short life has prepared it to judge everything that goes on from it’s own narrow-minded opinion.  It is essentially operating tacitly on a dynamic tautology of argument from ignorance. 

Argument from ignorance (Latinargumentum ad ignorantiam), also known as appeal to ignorance (in which ignorance stands for “lack of evidence to the contrary”), is a fallacy in informal logic. It asserts that a proposition is true because it has not yet been proven false (or vice versa). This represents a type of false dichotomy in that it excludes a third option, which is that there is insufficient investigation and therefore insufficient information to prove the proposition satisfactorily to be either true or false. Nor does it allow the admission that the choices may in fact not be two (true or false), but may be as many as four, (1) true, (2) false, (3) unknown between true or false, and (4) being unknowable (among the first three).[2] In debates, appeals to ignorance are sometimes used to shift the burden of proof. -wikipedia


Let me see if I can explain this another way.  We have all of this technology in America, google +, facebook, wordpress, etc. many people think that they are experts on how the internet works.  This is called epistemic arrogance.  Over valuing what you know and undervaluing what you don’t know.  It is very good for making you feel good about yourself but it is very bad for knowing the threats that are coming at you.  That feeling goodness, prevents you from understanding the nature of the enemy that hates you and wants to eradicate you off the face of the planet.  That positive emotional female crap, is a liability, it makes you weak, slow, and unprepared.  


The Deep Web (also called the Deepnet,[1] Invisible Web,[2] or Hidden Web[3]) is World Wide Web content that is not part of the Surface Web, which is indexed by standardsearch engines. It should not be confused with the dark Internet, the computers that can no longer be reached via the Internet, or with a Darknet distributed filesharing network, which could be classified as a smaller part of the Deep Web. There is concern that the deep web can be used for serious criminal activity.[4]

Mike Bergman, founder of BrightPlanet and credited with coining the phrase,[5] said that searching on the Internet today can be compared to dragging a net across the surface of the ocean: a great deal may be caught in the net, but there is a wealth of information that is deep and therefore missed.[6] Most of the Web’s information is buried far down on dynamically generated sites, and standard search engines do not find it. Traditional search engines cannot “see” or retrieve content in the deep Web—those pages do not exist until they are created dynamically as the result of a specific search. As of 2001, the deep Web was several orders of magnitude larger than the surface Web.[7]


thank you iconographic art of joxua mourningstar 


This is a photoshop I did of Nishkala shiva, and Sikala Shiva, an ancient Indian metaphor for the nature of the mind. Sikala Shiva is in corpse pose but still alive, although in a dormant state, he represents the subconscious mind, many orders of magnitude greater than the conscious mind represented by Shakti.  Below him is Niskala Shiva in his dead form representing the unconscious mind, many orders of magnitude greater than the subconscious mind. 


Criticism of Psychology

Jack Nicholson


First of all I think that the field attracts people that don’t feel like authorities in their own lives because something went wrong with their individuation process from their parents.  I refer to this as “displacement”.   Specifically I feel that when a person doesn’t feel like an authority in their own life, because they perhaps had a rich parent that constantly threatened to disinherit them if they didn’t always do what they wanted, and the child listened to their parent, concealing their resentment but believing that the parent was correct in their actions, so they wanted to be an authority figure in someone else’s life since they can’t be an authority in their own.  They become a police man or a psychologist.  It attracts damaged people that are trying to figure themselves out.  They are emotionally morbid and they want to attack passive aggressively, to lord their modicum of authority over others.   https://terminclature.wordpress.com/2013/10/05/displacement/

Secondly, as Nassim Nicholas taleb said in his book BLACK SWAN, psychology is a field without experts.  There is no difference between the diagnosis of an expert and a novice, (because it is the diagnostic statistics manual doing all the thinking, imho).

Not all experts deserve the title[edit]

Taleb also questions the authority of experts, asserting that the truth behind science is limited to certain areas and methods. In many areas having an academic degree and presenting oneself as a scientist is irrelevant. Indeed, authority can stifle empirical experience which, so many times, has proven to have a sounder basis for accuracy.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Black_Swan_(2007_book)#Not_all_experts_deserve_the_title



Lastly and my greatest most heartfelt criticism, Psychology doesn’t protect itself from creeping normalcy and normative judgments of social norms.  Which is to say the psychologist is interested in protecting the largest group of people in society.  So if society is filled with superficial, sarcastic, psychopathic, covertly hostile, opportunistic, social climbing morons that can’t detect their own horse shit, the psychologist feels it is their duty to protect the normals from the not normals in order to make society as pleasant as possible.  It is as though a parent has two kids and for the sake of their own peace they let one of the kids pick on the other one because that one never complains, instead of being worried about what is just and true they just let the one kid get picked on and they even say to that one, “Why can’t you be more like your retarded brother?”  You know like Harry Potter and his fat Muggle cousin.  They don’t just protect the biggest group of idiots, they frame the smarter more creative people more correct people as victimizing everybody else.  Their whole concept could be summed up by the sentence, “you are never going to get results going in that direction and you are just going to make yourself and everybody else miserable so why don’t you just give up and drink the koolaid?”


I think that the field of psychology should be done away with for the most part, except for dealing with the clinically insane, veterans, and hospitals, and things such as that.  I think that people should be taught the cognitive biases, and study the logical fallacies and become fluent in them.  The talking cure was originally used by Ludwig Wittgenstein (who was related to Sigmond Freud by marriage and who corresponded with him) who spoke about philosophy with the Vienna Circle.  He used it to keep himself from going insane (as I do, study philosophy that is).  The Vienna Circle more or less created the modern philosophy of science, AND THEY WERE A SUPPORT GROUP USING THE TALKING CURE!!!  In order to unleash the highest common good, people need to have venues where they can discuss the knew high intellectual stuff that they just learned.  Not having anyone to understand you or be able to evaluate you is depressing.  It also creates a counter incentive to learning higher philosophy and makes it almost impossible to remember it because you never get to talk to anyone about it.

The up down relationship that exists today between the psychologist and the patient frames the relationship in a certain way.

  1. There is something wrong with you.
  2. I am superior to you.
  3. I know more than you do.
  4. I am not concerned for you, I am in relationship with your money.

This tacitly influences the relationship and effects the outcome.