Tag Archives: barack obama is guilty of treason

The FBI doesn’t deserve Respect.

robert mueller

This is what disgusts me about the FBI.  It isn’t their job to lie to the American people and leak information to the Fake News Mafia.  It isn’t their job to ignore an obviously guilty Hillary Clinton and harass an obviously innocent Trump Family.  It isn’t their job to manipulate the American People.  It is their job to investigate extreme criminality and to report to the American people.   It is their job to hold people accountable for their crimes.  

So why are they doing it?  I have said this before and I will say it again.  Many countries already have the information that Hillary Clinton kept on her private servers.  It incriminates every person that communicated with her on that private server including Barack Obama who used a pseudonym.  Foreign countries are using this right now to blackmail the United States Government.  This colossal blunder is completely unforgiveable but the Intelligence Agencies have determined that too many high level people would be exposed if the information was released.  They have stupidly decided that it will be better if Donald Trump is maligned and the General Will of the American People is ignored.  They aren’t really concerned about America, they are covering their own asses. 

I had hoped that the good people in the FBI outnumbered the bad people but apparently I was mistaken.  What they are doing now is more akin to the Psychological Warfare of the Gestapo in Nazi Germany.  Every SS agent was trained in Psy-ops.  Perhaps you didn’t now that.  They have lied to us before but never to this extent with this much frequency.  We did send a man to the moon but the JFK assassination and 9/11 were both inside jobs.  What will tomorrow bring, I wonder. . . 

What really happened with James Comey?

no weasels

This is what happened and I know this because of my Psychological Models, my pattern recognition, and having monitored blogs from all over the world with thousands of advocates. Please remember I created the Ban Sharia brand in 2014 and I had 700 of my own global advocates before my group was targeted by G+ for “hate speech” but after my advocacy went viral.

Vladimir Putin had the dirt on Hillary Clinton and because he had the dirt on her he also had the dirt on the Neo-Cons, Barack Obama, and the CIA. He knew what they were planning. He knew that the European Union was an attempt to make the whole world a Muslim caliphate and empower the United Nations. Barack Obama and the Liberal Progressives are trying to Islamize America right now. When all of the world is Muslim then only Russia, China, and Israel won’t be Muslim countries.

James Comey couldn’t indict Hillary Clinton without Incriminating Barack Obama for Treason, exposing the Cabal, and outing all of the Guilty parties that were complicit in this Global Conspiracy.

Do you notice how the closer Donald Trump gets to finding out the truth the Liberal Media and paid protestors get louder and angrier? This is a strategy that psychopaths use. I first documented it when I was learning to recognize shop lifters. A young lady walks past you and you casually look at her but she glares daggers at you and tracks you with her head as she is passing by you as though you have done something wrong by looking at her. She is trying to stimulate a guilt reflex and make you feel ashamed by her exaggerated reaction because she doesn’t want you watching her, because she intends to shoplift.

What this tells me is that the Liberal Media itself knows about the plot and they are complicit with it.

James Comey was indemnified for not pursuing the investigation against Hillary Clinton and even over-stepping his Authority by dismissing the case. If she went down everybody else would have gone down with her. She knew what the Russians knew which is why she was going to start a war with Russia when she became President of the United States. That is also the reason that Obama and the CIA knew that Wikileaks was getting it’s information from Russia because they knew what information Russia had.

Comey knew that he was protected and probably also knew what Hillary Clinton had exposed. He was using his position as the lynch pin to leverage himself as a celebrity and possibly parlay his position into something more lucrative and influential. He was acting like a celebrity and enjoying the attention. Remember that he approved and FBI reality TV show under the guise of humanizing the Bureau and it’s agents. Comey was burning both ends of the candle and abusing his authority by intimidating politicians and influencing public opinion while he hemmed, hawed, and slow-walked investigations. He moved very quickly on some things, coming to a completely incorrect decision. Why was the Russian investigation taking so long?

Yet another strategy that Psychopaths use is accusing other people of being guilty of their crimes, what they did, have done, are doing, or intend to do. The Russian Conspiracy started very early. It was used in order to make suspect any relationship or negotiation between Russia and the United States. It was used to force the hand of Donald Trump to start the war with Russia that Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, the CIA, and the Neo-Cons intended to start and were planning.

It was also used to set the stage for dismissing anything that would come to light in the future that would incriminate Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton for Treason. The media weren’t only protecting Obama and Hillary they were protecting themselves because they knew about the plot and they were complicit with it.

I predict that Obama will eventually seek asylum in a Muslim country that won’t extradite him to the United States when we find out what he did.

Taylor Force Act

taylor Force

Taylor Force, 28, was a former US Army Officer and a student at Vanderbilt University, who was stabbed to death by an Arab from the Palestinian Authority in Jaffa, Israel last March 8. On Wednesday, Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Dan Coats (R-In), and Roy Blunt (R-Ms) introduced the Taylor Force Act, aimed at cutting funding for the Palestinian Authority if it continues to incite and reward acts of terrorism.
The new bill

• Requires the Secretary of State to certify to Congress the Palestinian Authority is taking credible steps to end acts of violence against United States and Israeli citizens that are perpetrated by individuals under its jurisdictional control, such as the attack on Taylor Force;
• Calls on the Palestinian Authority to publicly condemn such acts of violence and is taking steps to investigate and cooperate in investigations bringing perpetrators to justice; and
• Terminates payments for acts of terrorism against United States and Israeli citizens to any individual who has been imprisoned after being convicted of terrorist acts, to any individual who died committing a terrorist act, or to family members of such individuals.
Speaking at a press conference Wednesday, Sen. Graham said, “To pursue peace, you have to reject killing. … This bill is not a result of animosity towards the Palestinian people. It’s pushback against state-sponsored terrorism.”
“This legislation shines a light on a very real problem,” Graham said, asking, “Why is the Palestinian Authority paying young Palestinians to commit acts of terror against innocent Americans like Taylor Force or Israelis? The Palestinians need to decide – do they condemn these horrible acts or do they reward them? You can’t be a partner in peace when you are paying people to commit terrorist acts. The choice the Palestinians make will determine the the type of relationship they have with the United States in the years to come.” (SOURCE)



Barack Obama’s Shadow Coup

Motorcycle Details

I should have saved the quote when I came across it. I can’t find it right now but it was from before Barack Obama’s Political career and he essentially stated that with a little pushing & nudging it would be possible to start a violent revolution in the United States.

Not that long ago some conspiracy theorist told me that our oversea wars are basically a training ground for future Police Officers back here at home. I seriously doubt that unless we invented Evil but that is exactly the kind of narrative one would hear in the Black Bubble, the Ghettos of Social Media.

I predicted a long time ago that Obama was reverse engineering this Conspiracy by creating ISIS and encouraging Westerners through various venues to go and join them. He and Eric Holder were telegraphing to Illegal Immigrants, Black Gangs, Anarchists, & Atheists to feel a kinship with one another. It appears this Globalist Agenda started a long time ago with the knowledge & perhaps the assistance of the CIA. The Social Experiment started in the European Union under the banner of Multiculturalism. In collusion with the media they conspired to conceal their failure from us and silence the Native people in those lands who were being Genocided.

Barack Hussein Obama, upon learning of their cabal, instead of opposing it pledged allegiance to it and swore to speed it on its way. Obama hopes that ISIS Terrorists will find their way (back in some cases)into the United States where they can embed themselves in Chicago Ghettoes, Sanctuary States, & Gang Infested Neighborhoods. There they will teach the people they run into how to make weapons, how to kill, and the Sharia Law of the Terrorist Pedophile Mohammed.

In 2014 I predicted:

“We are on the verge of an Extinction Level Event, Civil War, World War, or all 3 at the same time.”

Imagine that the next Great Evil rears its ugly head. How will we as a Nation be able to rise to defeat it when we are fighting a Civil War from within?

General Michael Flynn didn’t do anything wrong, he was just doing his job. The same is true of Jeff Sessions. Mike Pence needs to calm his tits. All of you stupid Conservatives need to calm the fuck down & man up. Stop thinking like Jesus & ask yourself, “What would Satan do?” because the Democrats are gaming you. Stop trying to be “Pure”. Cleanliness might be next to Godliness but dead people are also closer to God as well. Man up! Grab your testicles out of your mothers purse. Just sneak into her closet and take them back, they belong to you. You can’t rely on the Innate Goodness of other people or their willingness to participate with Reason.


It is really quite simple. Barack Obama never relinquished his Authority as President. We now have 2 presidents the duly elected President & the Shadow President working together with the Deep State to force the hand of We the People.

What should really be concerning everybody is: Why is the Government breaking the Law by spying on American Citizens? Why did Obama tell the Intelligence Agencies to save all information about every interaction between Trump advocates & Russians? Why before leaving office did Barack Obama make it legal for our Intelligence Agencies, who he told to spy illegally on American Citizens, to leak information to the public in order to influence opinions without trials or Legal Proceedings?

If you verbally incite violence or tell people to do something illegal, that is a crime. But Obama never did that, he telegraphed it & incentivized it. It is a long standing tradition in Western Civilization that only a Tyrant occupies his own Nation with his own Military, but the United States Armed Forces never were Barack Obama’s Army, it was always ISIS Terrorists which is why he attempted to offer them safe harbor back into the United States & defended them on the Battle Field.

Do you remember this bizarre comment that Barack Hussein Obama made when people were complaining about the atrocities of ISIS?:

“Lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ.”

Obama wanted an ISIS Caliphate because when Hillary Clinton got elected President & he was promoted to spokesperson of the United Nations he was going to say that the Caliphate had to be recognized as a state in order to prevent World War III. This would be after the snatched up the Middle East, Northern Africa, and all of the Resources (oil) those lands possess. Under the mantle of protecting the earth from Global Warming he will ensure that Terrorists are the Arbiters of those resources and they will have to be paid so that they don’t have to work but can spend their Leisure time studying & teaching War Craft.

Istanbul Terrorist is Native American?


According to Paul Ekman, when you experience an emotional state repeatedly it becomes part of you permanent facial expressions. This influenced my Psychological models: Shared State Law of Communication.

Every thought you have, every word you speak, and every action you repeat creates Neural Myelination that is passed down to your children through Epigenetics.  So when I look at this guy I think he looks Native American Indian not Middle Eastern. 

Obama has been snatching up land in order to protect the world from Industrialization & therefore Global Warming. Obama tried to indoctrinate everyone into the World Religion of Scientism so that he could empower the Mooslem biased United Nations. There is a Secret Priest Class that determines what is and is not Science.  Obama has been forcing the Illuminati Actors & Musicians to attack Donald Trump. He used our espionage organizations to get dirt on them and then he threatened them with the IRS, Obama benchmarked the success of the FBI against Al Capone. But why hasn’t Obama gone after the Muslim Mafia? Why is he creating Safe Spaces & Caliphates for them?  Why does he hate Israel?  Why is he attacking them through the United Nations? Why does he insist that America must take in ONLY Mooslem Immigrants because of the Proxy War he started against Russia in Syria that created ISIS when Vladimir Putin was trying t create a safe space for Christians who are being genocided all over the world?

“You see, it’s been our misfortune to have the wrong religion. Why didn’t we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the Fatherland as the highest good? The Mohammedan religion [Islam] too would have been more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?” ~Adolph Hitler

The best thing is to let Christianity die a natural death. A slow death has something comforting about it. The dogma of Christianity gets worn away before the advances of science…The Christians, on the other hand, declare themselves satisfied if after their death they are allowed to sing hallelujahs! …Christianity, of course, has reached the peak of absurdity in this respect. And that’s why one day its structure will collapse. Science has already impregnated humanity. Consequently, the more Christianity clings to its dogmas, the quicker it will decline! ~Adolph Hitler (SOURCE)


The Reasoning behind White Genocide


(Continuation of this Blog)

*I am not going to debate with anybody as to whether White Genocide is real.  If you want to know my thoughts on the subject you can clink on the link above & read my original blog.

What is the Reasoning behind White Genocide?  First of all you have to realize that there is a group of smug elitists that think we are too stupid to make decisions for ourselves. Intelligence & Reason are not Natural States they are Altered States because they are attained through conditioning and culturing.  Violence & stupidity are Natural States and they are far more common in the world.  If the Civilized World were to exert an influence on the Uncivilized world to become more evolved that would smack of slavery.  No matter how hard some people tried they would only be able to reach a very low level of attainment under a Meritocracy of Results.

So if we can’t hold everybody to the same standard and exert an influence on people to evolve without the obvious recriminations that have become standard and evidenced in recent history, what is the solution? Before we answer that question we have to examine another aspect of their reasoning.

From their perspective, it is the Civilized World that is responsible for all of the evils of the world, not the uncivilized world.  Because they are part of the Cult of Scientism they are trying to reify Global Warming.  They have fabricated and manipulated the data in order to create a reasoning for doing the evil they want to do. They want to reduce the Population of the Earth but stupid people are much easier to control than smart people.  In spite of their proclivity toward violence they are still easier to control. If they were to kill off the Less Evolved people of the world this would create a backlash from stupid Western Women.


Georgia Guidestones


So from their perspective, they rationalize that since the Civilized World (White People) is responsible for the creation of Technology they are also responsible for Pollution, the Destruction of the Planet, and Global Warming.  They would rather have us living like dumb animals because then our influence on our surroundings would be decreased.  Also Unevolved Civilizations regulate their populations with brutality and even genocide.  In the minds of these Arrogant Liberal Retards they presuppose their own Authority to Lead and they have a double standard in their own favor.  Everything they do is good because they are doing it.  They want Capitalism for themselves and Communism for everybody else. 

Christianity stands in their way as do other Real Religions, Islam not included. When a man has God inside he has his Authority intact and their are certain immoral things that he will refuse to do.  They need to extract God/Authority from man so that they can demoralize him, but first they have to kill off the Christians, Hindus, and Jews.  Islam is the only religion that teaches killing of other religions from birth.  Because Islam is the fastest growing population of the Stupidest & most Violent people on earth a point would obviously be reached where the Civilized World would either Destroy Islam or be destroyed by it. While Islam would have no conscious about destroying the rest of the world and even the world itself if the Civilized World destroyed Islam we would never hear the end of it because of Liberal Retards and Stupid, Self-Loathing, Western Women.







Congratulations, We got Donald Trump elected so now it’s on to phase 3 of the Ban Sharia Agenda started in 2014 with the participation of Atheists, Jews, Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Kurds and many others from all over the world.  It would have been useless for me to mention this before now but we have successfully changed the future for the 2nd time in as many years by shifting human consciousness.

In order to get Sharia Law banned in America and the Civilized World we need President Donald J. Trump’s administration to DEFINE what constitutes a Religion.  To begin that process I will start by briefly describing what Religion is based on my research into Proto-Indo-European and the Evolution of Rational Thought through History.

The root word of “Religion” is “Lig” which is Latin for Link, so Religion is Relinking or connecting which presupposes that Religion itself is not Dogmatic but necessarily is associated with change.  Religion is also Relationship because it determines how we are connected or in Relationship with one another.

Philosophy is a conversation between Man and God’s Soul in the form of the World.  The Philosophy created is the Soul of the Man that created it. When other people adopt that Philosophy it becomes a Religion.  When they adopt that philosophy they are then in Relationship with The World and the Phenomena in the world in the same way that the original Philosopher was.

“The Soul is, in a way, Phenomena.” ~Aristotle.

Men could only get into Heaven if they had Souls, which means a Philosophy defined as a World View that was Known and not concealed and which informed the Ideas, Words, and Actions of the person that subscribed to that Belief System.  The Philosopher could falsify his philosophy by not adhering to the Praxis (Practice/Process) of the philosophy or if it was demonstrated that his philosophy was false and couldn’t create good results in the world by Describing, Prescribing, and Predicting events, Science is the Explanatory Art.  What that means is that the Philosophy had to be Rational in order to be considered a Valid Philosophy. 

The Philosophy had to presuppose a Meritocracy of some sort that didn’t create Disparate Impact and therefore wouldn’t be considered Arbitrary which is synonymous with Tyranny and therefore Irrational.  Since the only Meritocracy that doesn’t create Disparate Impact is one of Reason & Results, most philosophies claimed to worship the God of Reason.  A Meritocracy of Reason doesn’t create Disparate Impact because the difference in status is created by the Skills and Abilities of the Individual and not the Philosophy itself.  It is the only way to maximize the value created by the Philosophical Family which is Rational because it contributes to the Survival of that Religion. 

Islam, however, is not Rational because it is Arbitrary.  Instead of creating a Meritocracy of Reason & Results it creates a Meritocracy of being like Mohammed.  Women and Non-Muslims are immediately precluded from this Meritocracy.  Islam isn’t chosen it is forced upon people, they are converted on threat of death and are murdered if they attempt to leave the Fake Religion.  Non Muslims aren’t granted any status and are treated as objects lower than animals.  Therefore Islam is Arbitrary & Irrational, therefore Islam is not a Valid Philosophy, therefore Islam is not a Religion. 

Religions are Moral Systems that increase the Moral Evolution of the person who adopts the Philosophy.  Islam takes Violent, Tyrannical, Immorality, rationalizes it, and REBRANDS it as Morality. Based on the current definition of “Religion” literally anything could be turned into a religion.  I could say, Raping Children is my religion, or Cannabalism is my religion, smoking Crack Cocaine is my religion, or Torture & Murder is my religion.  While there is a Separation of Church and State there can never be a Separation from Morality and state because the General Will creates the Laws by which the State is Governed which means that the Rituals, Sacraments, & Values of the “Religion” must never Usurp the Values that come from the General Will since one is protected by and comes from the other and not the Reverse.  The Sovereign which comes from the General Will can’t and mustn’t consent to protecting Values that are directly in opposition to it’s own Existence.  That is unsustainable, suicidal, and irrational. 

Every State has an Idea/Ideal/Idol that Represents the Highest Form of the Good (God) and therefore the body of Laws which they agree to uphold and be governed by.  That Corpus of Logos/Law determines the Rights and Responsibilities of the Citizen.  It Maximizes the Freedom of the Citizen by making them more than the sum of their parts.  According to Jean-Jacques Rousseau, if people don’t willingly participate and they are unwilling to Leave, they must be forced to be free.  It must be presupposed that those moving to the United States are doing so because they have some idea of what our Values are, they embrace them, and they are willing to defend them to the death if that is necessary.

It is OK to be a Muslim in the United States of America & the Civilized World but Sharia Law is not and will never be Welcome.  Nobody should be allowed to teach or practice Sharia Law.  The Wolves always want to hide among the sheep and claim to be sheep.  Jesus was like Moses in that as a Law Giver he contributed to the Moral Evolution of the Law and separated the Violently Stupid wolves from those that followed the God of Reason. 

Since Reason is the Antithesis of Tyranny it can never be Tyrannical.  A bias towards Reason, therefore, can never by Tyrannical and the Civilized Western World must have a bias towards Reason in order to survive.