Mohammed was Possessed II

baphomet statue mohammed

I recently made a new connection thanks to some new information I became aware of (here). I have previously stated that Mohammed was demonically possessed by 40 “heavenly men” who bestowed upon him literally all of the 7 deadly sins (here).  I have found more information that confirms my assertion.

I also pointed out the correlation between the Tower of Babel and the music industry.  Pythagoras knew that there were only so many melodies that elicited specific human emotions.  So it they are all copy-written it will eventually prevent any new musicians and any new ideas from entering the psyche of the populace.  They tried to use this same logic on the Drudge Report recently stating that he couldn’t post links to other news sites.  This is how they control human thought and action by controlling what people can say and what they are allowed to see and hear.  (click the link in the next paragraph)

I traced the origins of the Illuminati back to Pythagoras, Plato, & Aristotle.  Pythagoras wasn’t bad.  In fact I have asserted that Jesus himself was a Pythagorean.  The Secret Societies, however, became corrupt and greedy.  The Founding Fathers were Freemasons and they weren’t Evil.  Actors weren’t always Evil.  Musicians weren’t always Evil.  They have only become so recently.  (CLICK HERE)

I stated that Islam existed before Mohammed supposedly created it.  The Flavius Caesars adopted Josephus and he was a Pharisee, which is why he never mentioned Jesus.  The Romans were getting in bed with the Persians.  Flavius Constantine embraced Christianity (as sun worship Sol Invictus) because he had guilty knowledge of his family’s folly and it was only after that Mohammed rebranded the Invasive Babylonian War Cult as a Judeo-Christian “religion”.  The Sicarii (Judas Iscariot) were using HAMAS like tactics against the Romans. 

It was I who originally stated that Mohammed took a generic, Arabic word for God (Allah) and redefined it as an evil spirit that Wise King Solomon had banished to the deepest part of the ocean because it wouldn’t obey the God of Reason (YHWH).  (click here for source)

I went on to explain that Mohammed was a pyromaniac sociopath.  The Quran mentions a fire tornado before Western Science had documented such an event.  Mohammed was sexually aroused by fire, he was cruel to animals, and he most likely wet his bed as a child.  Mad Moe burned people alive that didn’t come to pray 5 times a day.

The Real Cost of Illegal Immigration

the cost of illegal immigration

Liberal Progressives are doing a really good job of bankrupting the United States and selling us, and the future of our children down the river.  On one hand it is an act of theft from the American Tax Paying Citizen on the other hand it is an act of bribery in order to get people that hate us to vote Democrat.  On the third hand it is a plot to bankrupt the United States and start a violent revolution.  On the fourth hand it is a cabal to drive down the cost of labor by forcing Americans to compete with people who don’t belong here for less and less pay. 

If DACA isn’t repealed America will cease to exist because of something known as “Chain Immigration”.  Every Illegal Immigrant who is Legalized brings in an average of 6.5 family members who are then legalized and eligible for Social Security (for which someone else paid) and Medicare. We don’t have to worry about Socialism in our future we need to FIGHT it RIGHT NOW!  Our American corporations and politicians are only “Capitalists” in regard to themselves but Socialists in regard to U.S.  They Privatize the Profits while sharing their Failures with us.  Let me explain it another way.  They share our wealth with themselves and ILLEGAL competition that they have brought into the country and then when we ask questions or look askance at them they say, “Do you have a problem with sharing?  Are you greedy?  You must be an Evil person.”

Boycott the NFL

boycott nfl

You stupid sons of bitches.  Your quality of life comes from OUR Patronage.  You would be nothing without us and yet you use your position in life to spit on us and show us contempt.  The American people are not addicts.  We are not a captive audience.  We will survive without the NFL, the NBA, and NIKE products.  But you are addicts and you will not survive without us.  You put the cart in front of the horse and you were to stupid to evaluate the depths of your own stupidity.

Why don’t you go play football in a Muslim country where the pig-skin is haram under Sharia Law?  Why don’t you take your dumb asses down to Venezuela and entertain the penniless masses with your “Talent”?  Why don’t you move to North Korea and entertain Kim Jong Un? 

You are athletes.   You aren’t philosophers or political authorities.  Keep your stupid opinions to yourself, get out on the field, and shake your plump little booties, with your dumb ass.  

Taking America Back; DEFINED

take america back rwb

There are two kinds of pride: Positive Pride and Negative Pride.

Positive pride is self-esteem or evaluating and appreciating yourself accurately.

Negative pride is exaggerating your own value and being delusional about yourself.  

None of us have control about how we are born.   So it would be ignorant to believe that the color of our skin makes us superior to others.  The only Meritocracy that is rational and not tyrannical or arbitrary is a Meritocracy of Reason and Results.  While this Meritocracy does create disparate impact, their is no flaw in the system because that disparity isn’t created by a bias but by the strengths and weaknesses of the individual. 

The solution is to create a level playing field, write Laws that punish behavior that is undesirable and reward behavior that is desirable (Laws that are sustainable and lead to the success of the Society).  Appoint Authorities (Judges & Referees) that understand the (Spirit of the) Law & AGREE WITH IT. 

The problem is when you keep fixing it until it is broken.  The problem is when the rules are written to benefit the irrational who don’t create value for the society & don’t participate with the Form of the Good.  The problem arises when you appoint corrupt Authorities.  One invites chaos and anarchy when you attract people who don’t agree with your own values or intend to participate with them.  


Mung is computer jargon for a series of potentially destructive or irrevocable changes to a piece of data or a file. It is sometimes used for vague data transformation steps that are not yet clear to the speaker. Munging may also describe the tying together of systems and interfaces that were not specifically designed to interoperate.

I am proud of who I am.  That pride doesn’t mean that others who are different can’t also be proud of what they are.  It does mean that I will resist people who want to silence me, control me, thwart me, or destroy me and people like me.  My “People” are Reasonable and Good regardless of their sex, race.  I do issue this caveat, however, a person is not good or correct because of their sex, race, or creed. 

Let me be perfectly clear, I have studied most major religions and Islam is a problem.  Their values are not only incompatible with our own they are antithetical to our values.  Mohammed was a serial murdering, slave owning, pedophile, terrorist.  Sharia Law demands that people who are like Mohammed are better than those who don’t practice Sharia regardless of whether they are mooslem or not.  

My tweet was posted on the 24th.  Donald was quoted the next day saying this:


Hillary Clinton Gang


As a psycho-linguist it was etched in my memory when Hillary Clinton made this statement during the 2016 election campaign.  Surprisingly, nobody else noticed this Dog Whistle.  When Barack Obama mentioned “Black Twitter” nobody else noticed that either.  But there were people that noticed because the comment was pitched at a frequency the rest of us couldn’t understand, but I could… 

The Clinton Crime Foundation and the Democrat Thought Plantation  want to employ the criminals through triple blinds so that they have PLAUSIBLE DENIABILITY.  This is why they don’t state their solutions openly they only mock & criticize their opponents.  If they get lucky and are voted into office they fully intend to make agreements behind closed doors. 

Purging 20 years of Gang Databases (LINK).

That is why they aren’t transparent but they act like your parent. 

They don’t state they insinuate. 

They don’t confess the profess their innocence.

They don’t win they claim they are victims. 

They are attacking because they have George Soros backing. 

We are Briar Rabbit and we are fighting a KKK tar-baby. 

tar baby

Southern Poverty Law Center EXPOSED


I have written many times about how Morris Dees destroyed the KKK with much admiration.  I pointed out too people how BlacKKK Lives Matter could be destroyed using his same strategy.  Having said that the SPLC is no longer a force of good but a force of EVIL.

The problem with special interests is that they get funding because of lobbying to further the agenda of their constituency.  Every month they send out a letter telling their donors of their victories.  This causes Mission Creep.  It causes a corruption of the form of the good.  The problem with the special interests is that they aren’t interested in Equality under Reason they are interested in the DESTRUCTION of the thing that they hate.  I refer to this as the Fundamentalist Drift as they attract stupider people who are more violent and tyrannical.

Not only are they incapable of self-scrutiny and any ability to control their own creepiness, they are actively hostile to any criticism of themselves.  Furthermore, this so-called non-profit just transferred MILLIONS of dollars into offshore accounts in order to protect their hidden wealth. 

We should all be suspicious of this Leon Trotsky (Bolshevik) inspired, George Soros funded, Terrorism on American Soil. 

Sins of the Father Fallacy

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Have the Liberal Progressives no shame?  Is there no depth to which they won’t sink?  While most of them are Atheists they use emotional appeals in order to manipulate Christians.  The sins of the father argument only applied to people who were part of your “Philosophical Family”.  There is also the scripture that says, “he who punishes the righteous and rewards the wicked is an abomination before the Lord.”  Then there is the philosophical praxis of Pragmatism:  Can we afford to do this?  What will be the outcome if we do this?  Why are we taking care of Criminal Immigrants when we don’t have the money or resources to take care of American Citizens?  Is the true intent to bankrupt America and begin Global Communism?  To replace American money with a universal monetary unit in order to force us into another way of life?  … in order to usurp the Sovereignty of America and submit it to a Global Agenda?

What really disgusts me is the preachiness of Liberals.  I stopped going to church because of the constantly peddling of Guilt and Shame while proffering pity and the right to feel like a good person if you give money you don’t have to somebody who doesn’t deserve it while the church takes its cut.  This never was the true purpose of the church.  It is nauseating to hear every superior liberal running around regurgitating virtue signaling shibboleths in order to convince people to allow them to be in charge as an unimpeachable 3rd party that appropriates my wealth and gives it to people who despise me and my values.  

The Global Warming Fallacy

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Liberal Progressives malign people as “science deniers” because they don’t agree with the proposed solutions for Climate Change not all of which are actually stated, some of them are concealed, like depopulation.  Global Warming is a Trojan horse for Global Communism.  Carbon Taxes will allow Liberal Progressives to control the means of production by proxy which is the definition of Communism. 

They want to control every aspect of our lives including what we eat.  One of the largest producers of Methane is beef.  When they control the means of production and people start dying they can say, “We are not responsible because we can only produce this much in order to save the planet.”  The problem is that decomposing bodies also produces Greenhouse Gases, specifically the ones that they are trying to control. All life on earth is made of carbon.  Trees burn, BAM! Greenhouse gases. 

I am not willing to forfeit the right to choose who lives and dies to these tyrannical ass-clowns.  Look at what they are doing with Social Media.  If you say something conservative they demonetize your YouTube channel or PayPal prevents you from receiving payments.  Google censors your posts.  They deleted the original Ban Sharia group, my group.  700 advocates from all over the world including Kurds, Atheists, Christians, Jews, and Hindus.