Category Archives: form of the conquest

The Muslim Obama Cabal


A cabal is a group of people united in some close design together, usually to promote their private views or interests in a church, state, or other community, often by intrigue, usually unbeknownst to persons outside their group. Cabals are sometimes secret societies composed of a few designing persons, and at other times are manifestations of emergent behavior in society or governance on the part of a community of persons who have well established public affiliation or kinship. The term can also be used to refer to the designs of such persons or to the practical consequences of their emergent behavior, and also holds a general meaning of intrigue and conspiracy. The use of this term usually carries strong connotations of shadowy corners, back rooms and insidious influence. The term is frequently used in conspiracy theories; some Masonic conspiracy theories describe Freemasonry as an internationalist secret cabal.

For those of you who haven’t figured it out yet, the Obama Cabal is trying to start a violent, Islamo-Fascist Revolution while not appearing to be the cause so he can step in as the Voice of Reason, pardon them, & reform the Government in the way he sees fit. Which means taking away our guns, replacing the Police, dismantling the Armed Forces & empowering the Muslim dominant United Nations in order to consolidate all Authority into a One World Government, at which point Obama will assume High Office in the United Nations…

I can tell you that he is in league with the Nation Of Islam, community organizers and the protests on college campuses as well as the Black lives matter protestors.  Al Sharpton is in his pocket because of not paying his taxes.  Jay-Z and the vast majority of the musicians are working with him including Madonna, Prince, Lil Wayne, Drake, Chris Brown, Beyoncé, Lon Milo Duquette, and others including a growing number of actors and actresses.  The Freemasons are being infiltrated by the NOI & the Muslim Brotherhood.  The Ivy League Colleges, are participating with Obama’s agenda as well as Richard Dawkins, Stephen Pinker, and Noam Chomsky.  Also the Secret Scientist panel that determines what is and is not Pseudo-science for the TED talks is part of the plot as is Bill Gates, Starbucks, Mark Zuckerberg, & Muhammad Yunus from World Bank.


Tacit Bifurcation and Psychopathology

2013823182358219734_201With the concealed narrative of psychopaths their strategic communication is hard to spot because they do not openly state the logical fallacies and cognitive biases they are acting on.  They insist that they are sane and rational while at the same time consistently creating a disparate impact for themselves and the people they project their sense of self onto.  It is possible in rhetoric, apologetics and polemics to subtly warp and distort reality for the purpose of manipulating the minds of others.

To Bifurcate means to make categories that are false or misleading.  If the person stated what they think openly it would ruin their reputation and  marginalize their credibility, because they would look insane to everybody.  This is why psychopaths use a concealed narrative.


In order to expose this form of strategic communication.  I created some terms to make their strategy more obvious to those not skilled in debate, philosophy, and rhetoric.  When deconstructing a persons narrative you want to look at the tacit categories cause of the good and cause of the bad.  This deals with the way the frame events and statements, they draw an imaginary line and one thing or a group of things are always bad and the things they project their sense of self onto are always good.  The Form of their conquest is the social climbing behavior they use to set the world right in their eyes.  They have to keep changing the world in the same way in order to do their will.  The sum of their actions have to do their genuine will.

As you observe the strategic rhetoric of Mr. Barack Obama, you will find that he consistently creates disparate impact in specifically the same way.  America, Israel, white people, the police, and the military are always the cause of the bad, and violent, uneducated, brown to black people are always the cause of the good. Not only are they not responsible for the evil they do, they are not doing evil, and if they are doing evil it is only because the evil white people are forcing them to do it by not laying down and letting evil (I mean good) run rampant through the world.

Obama’s Highest form of the Good, His God, is also concealed or openly lied about.  He is only a christian in name, not indeed, you remember the rhetoric of Reverand Wright?

Barack-Obama-Jeremiah-Wright-620x372The whole thing about psychopathic narrative is that it switches.  The story keeps changing.  Obama twice had the Freudian slip saying that he was a Muslim, he chose the most Imam like “christian” pastor he could find.  The only part of Obama’s narrative and behavior that doesn’t keep changing is the same behavior that he keeps falling all over himself to keep quiet.

jake tapper

I can think of another certain person who also hated Israel who sympathized with Muslims and hated Israel and the Jews… He had a tiny little mustache.

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