Tag Archives: stock market

$terile Bull Market

sterile bull

Michael Savage woke up this morning with the words, “Sterile Bull” repeating in his head.  This would be bizarre for most people if I myself wasn’t familiar with experiences like this.  While I don’t agree with Michael Savage on every point and vehemently disagree with him on some points (especially his ignorant hatred of Kelly Anne Conway) I have suspected the he, like myself, is one of the 36 Tzadikim Nistarim. Lon Milo Duquette is also, most likely, a Lamed Vavnik.

The Sterile Bull is impotent.  The Globalist, Communist, Anarchists have a Secret Agenda that has already been started in motion.  The intent was to create a Global Government that forces all Nations on Earth to kneel before the same throne, or else.  The conceit is that this was done in order to save Planet Earth and the people on it but a few concessions will have to be made and some eggs will need to be broken.  This agenda can never be stated openly but must be acted on relentlessly.  It is the Liberal Progressive end game which is already in play.  If it fails can you imagination the amount or recrimination that would be mounted against the failed cabal?  Even it is succeeded it would fail because it is narcissistic, stupid, and just plain wrong. 

What I realized about Consciously Evil people is how much time and energy they spend figuring out Left Handed ways of doing things when it would be easier to do it righteously.  Their machinations are brilliant in an Evil way.  A beacon of Dark Light that attracts demons from the from the bowels of Hell for an eventual War of All Against All.  They operate behind a Veil of Secrecy and Anonymity never taking responsibility for the Evil they do.  We will lose if we step foot in the Darkness because We will never be accepted as one of them.  The way we win is by dragging them into the Light.  Anarchists and Liberal Progressives reject any Authority but their own while expecting everyone to participate with their dictates.  Global Communists have been undermining the United States and sabotaging the dollar for decades.  It is the slow death of 1,000 cuts.  They have something planned.  There is something in the pipe already.

When  they destroy the American Dollar they will bring in a Global Unit of Currency.  The constitution of every Government will be forced to accept a new constitution in order for their debt to be forgiven.  They will try to appear like a Savior but they are the Devil in disguise.  

The Problem with H1b Visas.


More than 100 technology companies including Apple, Google, Facebook and Microsoft, oppose Donald Trump’s Travel Ban. Why? Because H1B visas are basically a form of Low Wage Slavery. People who come in on H1b visas agree to work for low wages for several years without renegotiating their contracts. They compete with Americans for jobs. Not only do the corporations not have to pay extra for the schooling and experience of American Citizens, they also don’t have to pay for the Cost of Living of Americans. This means that our educational systems don’t have to be competitive because other countries provide better education at a lower price than our crappy Liberal Teacher’s Unions. This also counter-incentivizes getting extra education in the United States knowing that Corporations would rather hire foreigners.

Trump isn’t doing anything bad by setting things right in favor of Americans but that is the way the press & corporations will spin it. It was Obama that secretly prioritized the hiring of Foreigners over Americans. That was the first action & the cause of the bad. The collusion between Greedy, Crony Capitalists to accrue all benefit to themselves and sell the American People down the river.

What is to prevent Chinese Immigrants on H1B visas from stealing trade secrets or technology? They have already done it. They are already doing it. America used to make the best steel in the world. We spent millions of dollars on research in order to create the best techniques for the strongest steel and Chinese hackers stole all of that knowledge so that they could compete with us on the Global Market and even in the United States.

“If Corporations are people then American Individuals are non-Citizens, that is the hidden subject.” ~Joxua Luxor

You think I’m kidding…


I wish I was joking.