Tag Archives: Terry McAuliffe

False Choice between NAZI & ANTIFA

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The Media Industrial Complex is attempting to force a conclusion on the American People with their biased coverage of the “NEWS”.  They are suggesting that ANTIFA are the good guys.  No, they are as bad as the NAZIS.  Both are bad.  Nazis killed the Communists in Germany and Communists killed the Nazis in Russia.  Both groups are violent Ideological Fascists. 

Liberal Political Leaders in Charlottesville told the derelict Police Department not only to stand down but to herd the NEO-NAZIS toward the ANTIFA planning to blame the White Supremacists for whatever ensued.  Donald Trump isn’t the bad guy.  Literally everybody in that situation was more responsible.  The ANTIFA scum bags are carrying water for the Global Communists.  George Soros, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and Bernie Sanders.  This Cabal runs deep.  I don’t want to live in that world.  I reject the stupid NAZIS and the ANTIFA useful idiots.  I am not going to be forced to choose between dumb and dumber.