Tag Archives: pazuzu

Mohammed was Demonically Possessed.


Another, more fabulous, account says that Muhammad had the strength of 400 “heavenly men”—each of whom are said to have the strength of 100 mortal men.  Strength for what, you ask?  In the words of Islam’s prophet, “a [heavenly] man will be given the strength of a hundred men to eat, drink, feel desire [i.e., libido], and have sexual intercourse.” (SOURCE)

In China and Japan there is a practice of allying oneself with beings from the Yin World.  The word Djinn or Genie has the same etymology of the Chinese word Yin.  This practice is known as Nei Gung in Chinese Taoism and as Dorje Shugden in Buddhism it has also been strictly forbidden by the current Dalai Lama. (More on the Subject)

Doctor Stylianos Atechlys worked with the Demonically Possessed, he said that any manner of addiction attracts spirits that intensify the sensations of your addiction and strengthen it because they experience it through you.  This is also testified to in the deeper Occult Mysteries.  We know that theses “Heavenly Men” weren’t Angels of the good variety because to of the proclivities they predispose one towards are the Deadly Sins of Lust and Gluttony.  They also increase one’s physical strength and inclination towards Physical Violence. 

This is actually the second clue that I have found confirming that Mohammed had formed an alliance with Evil Angels.  While Jesus caste out demons and brought them to Psychological Mental Health quite the opposite was true of Mohammed.

“Thereupon quoth the Jinni: “Know that I am one among the heretical Jann, and I sinned against Solomon, David-son (on the twain be peace!), I together with the famous Sakhr al-Jinni, whereupon the Prophet sent his Minister, Asaf son of Barkhiya, to seize me. And this Wazir brought me against my will and led me in bonds to him (I being downcast despite my nose), and he placed me standing before him like a suppliant. When Solomon saw me, he took refuge with Yahweh and bade me embrace the True Faith and obey his behests. But I refused, so, sending for this cucurbit, he shut me up therein and stopped it over with lead, whereon he impressed the Most High Name, and gave his orders to the Jann, who carried me off and cast me into the midmost of the ocean. There I abode a hundred years, during which I said in my heart, ‘Whoso shall release me, him will I enrich forever and ever.’” (SOURCE)


I have been made victorious with terror, and while I was sleeping, the keys of the treasures of the world were brought to me and put in my hand.” (Sahih Bukhari 4:52:220)

Psychopathology and Entitlement.


The last evolution of the human brain is the frontal lobe, it is also the last part of the brain to fully develop and neurally myelinate.  It essentially deals with proper relationship, right and wrong.  



The executive function of the frontal lobes involve the ability to recognize future consequences resulting from current actions, to choose between good and bad actions (or better and best), override and suppress socially unacceptable responses, and determine similarities and differences between things or events.

The frontal lobes also play an important part in retaining longer term memories which are not task-based. These are often memories associated with emotions derived from input from the brain’s limbic system. The frontal lobe modifies those emotions to generally fit socially acceptable norms.

Psychological tests that measure frontal lobe function include finger tapping, Wisconsin Card Sorting Task, and measures of verbal and figural fluency.[5]

In my psychological model, psychopaths are over coddled children if they are not psychopaths due to damage or deformity.  They have been in an enriched environment in which they were able to have anything that they desired, this creates a normative process for them where they always expect to be able to have anything that they desire.  Psychopaths feel entitled, they feel worthy of everything.  There is the object that they covet and they are deserving of it, so the question becomes how do they get it, not how to they earn it.  

If you listen closely to the narrative of a psychopath they rationalize why they should have what they want even if it is a resource they don’t possess, even if it is somebody else’s resource, even if they have to trespass somebodies boundaries to get it.  They will lie, communicate strategically, obfuscate, conflate, every form of strategic communication in order to convince somebody that they should have what they want, that they deserve it.  I find this so interesting in observing psychopaths, the some of their actions has to take them in a direction where they can approach doing their will.  If their is something they want right now, they will communicate that this is the correct and moral thing to happen.  They will go back to something they already did, in a tit for tat exchange and they will inflate the value of a past service in order to get what they want right now. 

I had an interesting experience lately with the L case study.  I recently acquired a new dog, L is territorial and is threatened by any positive attention that is not being given to herself, she feels that she deserves to be the focus of all positive attention all of the time.  So based on shared state theory of communication and the communication rituals of the mother trying to control the focus of the child and control the way the child is emotionally in relationship with the object of focus it was interesting to deconstruct her narrative.  She kept on asking me over and over again if I had made an effort to find the dogs family, I had and was continuing to do so.  She would talk about how sad they must be and that the dog belonged to somebody in spite of my telling her that signs had been put up and somebody was taking them down and nobody had called to claim the dog.  Everything she was saying was a tautology of the dog not being mine, belonging to somebody else and leading towards framing me as doing something wrong  by communicating emotional data(the female mind uses fear, guilt, and shame to manipulate the male mind).  

Last night I was taking my dogs for a walk and lo and behold there was a little girl drawing on the pavement with chalk, and Pazuzu (that’s what I named her) started freaking out and wagging her tail, kissing the girl and snuggling her.  The little girl ran in the house and informed her parents that “shelby” was back.  The mother appeared and she was very chagrined, she chose her words carefully in front of the little girl, I asked her if she would like to talk somewhere out of earshot and she agreed, I asked her if she wasn’t able to afford a dog at this moment and she said that her family had just moved here from Texas, and they had just found out she was pregnant, and everybody was gone all day and the dog was very unhappy.  I said I would keep the dog and the little girl could see her.  I told her that I have a room mate that works different hours than myself and we have another dog about the same size, she was very happy.  That is as far as I got in the story with L.  

What happened next was a very special connection and emotional release with the dog.  She was inconsolable, whining and making noise, very sad.  Now here is the part that I wanted to tell L, the part that was important to me, me and Lisa my room mate started howling like wolves, and Pazuzu joined in wholeheartedly.  It was soulful, mournful, whaling, I didn’t realize the emotional impact of howling until I experienced this with Pazuzu, we became a wolf pack at that moment, sharing her suffering with her.  She was a little virtuoso at howling. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5T-ZThSE5rQ)  <<<RELATED LINK. 

What L did, is she was like, “WAIT A MINUTE!  I THOUGH YOU SAID YOU FOUND THE FAMILY.”  She started repeating herself like a retard, with a lot of negative emotional data, reiterating that it was their dog, and the correct thing for them to do is for them to take responsibility for their actions, (L doesn’t take responsibility for her actions…) Notice the use of self appointed authority in her narrative, she can’t say what she is saying unless she is speaking from a perspective of moral authority.  She didn’t let me tell her about the healing part, the cathartic part that was so beautiful and meaningful to me.  She hijacked the conversation and drowned the narrative.  She even kept on calling me back and starting the conversation at the exact same place, increasing the intensity and emotional data.  

It is also of interest that two co-morbid psychopaths will join forces for the same reason, of getting what they want, even if they shouldn’t have it.  Also of interest is how much quicker people will band together to do evil than do good.  Just like L they don’t think about the happiness of everybody or anybody else, only their own happiness and feelings.  She completely ignored that value had been created for just about everybody, which is part of my theories on relationship “efficiency towards value”, and maximizing value, a meritocracy of results.  She even said to me on another subject that when she does stuff for me she doesn’t want anyone else benefiting from it, lol, the exact opposite of my stated purpose for our relationship.  (((SMH)))
