Tag Archives: Digital Leaps

Liberalism is a Mental Disorder


Feel free to report his account by the way…

I have been trying for a while to explain the psychology of Psychopaths, Muslims, & Atheists it doesn’t make sense because it isn’t sane.  So what I will do is document my recent interaction with one of the more notorious atheist trolls on LinkedIn that led to my account being suspended.  While we do this try to wrap your mind around the Liberal Psychosis/Atheist Psychology, we are going to deconstruct their behavior and see how that behavior creates value for them and investigate how it characterizes the people who tacitly agree with this behavior by engaging in it.

Liberals have a reputation for being Tolerant, what we find is this is not the case, for one thing they are intolerant of the opinions of the majority.  Living in a country where variety is accepted and being allowed to dissent or disagree because of it’s democratic nature and values their opinions which they voice abrasively and repeatedly are TOLERATED. How does one mis-categorize something so horribly that when they are the beneficiary of mercy and charity they are considered the source of the benevolence?  But rest assured this is a quality of the Atheist psychosis.  What you find is that in all actuality they are contrarians and they are INTOLERANT of the opinion of the majority.  They operate on the assumption that the enemy of my enemy is my friend and ally themselves with everyone that disagrees with the majority not in order to increase variety and rational conversation but to shut up people that disagree with them and if they can’t get them to change their minds to silence them permanently.

Authoritarianism, is yet another mark of the Liberal Atheist Troll.  Like Muslim’s who think Adam was the first Muslim and all children are born Muslim, Atheists incorrectly argue that all humans are born Atheist, from this perspective they have more authority over your children than you do.  The fact of the matter is that belief in supernatural forces is a cultural universal. ( CULTURAL UNIVERSALS  )  ( PROTO-NARRATIVE & CRIB TALK ) and if you examine the proto-narrative of babies you find that they have imaginary friends and engage in lots of creative dialogue that supports the idea that we are born predisposed to believe in god and anthropomorphize the Universe and Natural Forces.  As all of the shadow syndromes of Liberals, Atheists, and Muslims suggest they are comorbid with psychopathy.  In relationship with their Authority they are interested in expanding it and increasing it because they are social climbers a character of psychopaths.  In order to socially climb they defend their undeservedly good reputations violently.  They need to be thought of as good.

I describe psychopaths as over coddled children because not only do they force the frame that they are good and moral in spite of their actions and intentions, they are enabled by their environments because they are used to getting away with their behavior. and they have reified in themselves their own innate goodness, which means that they always feel that they are good.  These feelings of innate goodness are caused by thinking in terms of the Fundamental Attribution Error, which is thinking in terms of essences, from their perspective they possess the quality of Goodness and exude the essence of goodness as though it is a light that they turn on and off.  This thinking also allows them to forgive themselves for increasing the amount of force in retaliation and stooping to the lowest lows.  Because they are good everything they do is good.  Everything they do to expand their authority and enact their purpose is good.

This undeserved and un-evidenced sense of goodness combined with the Social Climbing nature of an Authoritarian, lets their conscience allow them to trespass natural boundaries and violate the boundaries of person and reason.  Like a toxic parent figure they presuppose their Moral Authority to judge and punish everyone, to fine them or to take their resources and use them against their will.  Indeed when a person argues for mercy and charity they are usually not using their own resources they are asking for another group of people to use their resources for the benefit of another group of people at no risk to themselves or their own resources and only in so far as it increases their benevolent reputation.

Bradley was trolling people on their own profiles and posts, not stuff that they had sent to him, this demonstrates a violation of boundaries as well as an obsessive compulsive personality disorder this shows a core of emotional morbidity, in which the psychotic individual is in relationship with their issues.  They are essentially controlled by their issues.  This means that when their issues are triggered and they enter a refractory state they have to attack, this allowed him to verbally abuse Christians, cussing at them on a professional social networking site.  From the perspective of the insane person, they are not responsible for their actions, the thing that they hate is responsible for their actions, with the obsessed individual they go to seek the thing that they hate.  What this means is that they are defined by the thing that they hate.  They exist to destroy, attack, and remove the thing that they hate.  They don’t have a positive existence which is why they can’t content themselves elsewhere or mind their own business.  They literally feel attacked by the idea that the thing they hate exists.

More interesting is that the virtues Bradley perceives himself as having being an “Unceremonious Free Thinker & Writer” those do not extend themselves to being virtues if the opinion expressed disagrees with his or if his behavior is being documented or if he is being falsified in rational debate and can no longer defend his positions or conceal his rhetoric.  This necessitates his attacking the existence of the person who is demonstrating Sapiential Authority over him, by reporting their profile without warning.  Psychopaths always attack first, they have to attack, they can’t not attack.  If you are to defend, or even if you are to best them with a counter-attack this gives them permission in their minds to redouble the amount of force they use and to attack in more evil and underhanded ways in order to accomplish their evil purpose.

Oh yeah one more thing, he reported my account last night after I responded to his trolling a Christian with a link to this blog take a look at number 10, lol:  CLICK HERE FOR “SAVING AMERICA” BLOG