Tag Archives: communicating states

Shared State Theory of Communication Revisited


What is a shared state?  Well, what is a state?  A state is an experience.  Something that the individual experiences.  A shared state is when two people share the same experience or a similar experience.  Due to the peer review procedure in science, scientific research has to be verified by third parties.  Similar, to that SSTOC is based on the concept of communication and shared states, communication itself is based on being educated into the same experiences.  The letter A means the same to you as it does to me, we use the same alphabet, the word ant means the same to you as it does to me, those are all shared states.

Not shared states are states that other’s haven’t experienced or imagined or they are aware of the same object but we are in relationship with it differently.  SSTOC is used to describe what is happening in relationship and communication, it presupposes that as a person speaks, so they think, and so they act.  This is true for rational people but it is not true for people that use psychopathic processes in relationship that relate strategically, and communicate strategically, and conceal.


There are 7 states, every event falls into one or more of these states.  This is based on my concept of humans being organic computers, and everything, event, word, and thought having survival data, emotional data, and analytical data.  As two or more people use the states in communication you can begin to see how you interpret, judge, and react differently to everything, and how you are the same and what you will be able to collaborate on together.  There are certain necessary presuppositions if this philosophy is going to be applied correctly.


As I began using my models to deconstruct, I found that there was a different way to use them, I could reverse the polarity and communicate to people as well.  People many times weren’t capable of understanding this system in it’s simplicity and beauty, and then others would lie or disagree saying they didn’t think it was accurate.  Funny thing is I could deconstruct events and narratives correctly using it and even predict events based on it.  I found that I was able to use the system to communicate to people on an unconscious, subliminal level.  At the same time I became aware that I could do this with the system I found that in the media, in the movies, on the tv, people were already doing it on a conscious or semi-conscious level, some of them better than others, some of them can only be called masters at it (Steven Spielberg, Tim Burton, Jon Stewart, Seth McFarlane) not only that there was a full fledged subliminal propaganda war going on.


I am going to show you one of the recent ones that caught my attention.  There are certain qualia to messages, the person speaking, the person they are speaking too (the audience), the medium of the message (tv), the content of the message, the meaning of the message, and the intent of the message.



So, obviously the person speaking is AT&T, but who are they speaking to?  All of the subliminal messages points to the modernized black family that probably voted for President Obama, and has ancestral ties to the Maoist movement of the black panthers.  I don’t want you to think I am saying anything bad, I am not judging, I am just describing, and I am not making this up.  You think it makes no sense because the message wasn’t sent to you, it’s not for you, it will resonate with people that have experienced those states and while not particularly sympathetic to the black panthers not completely unsympathetic either.  I am not a bad person for being aware of the import of the concealed message.  If there is anything bad being done it is by AT&T spending millions of dollars on figuring out what demographic they are weak in and hiring a think tank to show them how to borrow authority in the black community.


I am just speaking the truth boldly.